Cultivating the Green Economy


Allied4Future will act as a future lobby giving a voice to the future leaders of a green economy

The basis to drive economic development and guide consumer behaviour lies in a reliable legislative framework that incentivizes green investment and rewards sustainable practices.

However, policies in general and energy policy in particular have been heavily influenced by incumbent industries for too long. To accelerate the green and digital transition, it's crucial for policymakers to engage with and incorporate perspectives from new businesses, the frontrunners in clean technology, the future leaders of a green economy.


Nurturing Green Pioneers, the drivers behind the green transition

There is no doubt about the crucial role of new technologies and innovations in driving the shift towards a clean, circular and climate neutral economy.

A new push for sustainable technologies has been sparked by massive investment programs from governments around the world. Technology now more than ever can accelerate the transformation in climate-, energy- and industrial sectors.

Most impressive advancements in the recent past occur in Artificial Intelligence. AI technologies can be applied in numerous fields to help address various aspects of climate change from the discovery of new materials to the analysis of biological processes and the structure of proteins to name just a few.

Digital, green and deep tech are core in A4F activities and will occupy an important space in the agenda of the World Future Forum.

Sustainable Finance

Let’s get serious about rethinking global climate finance!

Achieving climate neutrality and restoring the planetary ecosystem, adapting to climate change, and preserving natural resources require huge amounts of capital. To close the financing gap, we need to withdraw investments from sectors, companies, or projects that are considered environmentally unsustainable or harmful. The divested capital can then be shifted and reallocated for rapidly building the green economy.

In close cooperation with impact investors and impact accelerators we nurture ‘green pioneers’ and finance a growing sustainable economy.